

Start the Year Fun! #Funglish


Start the Year Fun    楽しい1年の始まり


Fun and enjoyment never stop as students came back, alive and enthusiastic for school.


Students recharged from their vacation, giving them so much energy and ideas for fun-filled activities in Funglish class.


They are more than ready to enjoy and to learn new things.


              We started the year fun with all the exciting games and activities prepared for students.


The students cannot hide their interests as they face new topics.


We have seen the bright faces of our 3rd graders as they enjoy learning shapes, colors, and numbers.


As they participate in various activities prepared for them, they can already say the shapes, colors as well as numbers in English with correct pronunciation.

いろいろな活動をする中で、言い方を覚え、正しい発音で色や形を言えるようになりました。As we go through this lesson, students shown their learning as they make a “Thank You” card. The students enjoyed the station activity. They got to choose the shapes, colors, and its numbers they will use in making their cards.


              We are looking forward to their presentation. It will express their creativity, talent, and knowledge. Let’s enjoy English! 花丸
