We will help you make friends.
We will help you make friends.
The fifth-grade pupils had the opportunity to deliver speeches regarding the staff of Ichinomiya Elementary School.
The students did a great job sharing important information about the school staff such as their position and things they can do. Additionally, positive adjectives like "funny," "active," and "friendly" were used to describe teachers.
Through the speeches, the ALTs will be able to form close friendships with the Ichinomiya ES teachers and learn more about them. We are thrilled with the students' progress; as they say, practice makes perfect. Congratulations 5th graders.
What's Up, Everyone!
What's Up, Everyone! (Talk Show)
What a great talk show today at Ichinomiya Elementary School! The sixth graders did an amazing job on their talk show. Most students in both classes spoke loudly, made eye contact, and used gestures.
一ノ宮小では、なんて素晴らしいトークショウが行われたことでしょう!! 6年生はそのトークショーの中で、びっくりするような力を発揮しました。両クラスの生徒とも大きな声で、お互いに目を見て、ジェスチャーを使いながら話すことができました。
These students have a future in TV someday! We are glad to see how much these students enjoy learning English. As proud teachers, we want them to be more exposed to speaking activities so that they can ask more questions and have longer conversations with their classmates, teachers, and other foreigners! #FUNGLISH
ファングリッシュ TVショー
At our school, the sixth graders are now getting ready for their upcoming talk show. They are going to do interviews with their friends over their summer break.
The highlights of their summer vacation will be presented like the places they visited, the activities they did and the food they ate there.
Everyone gets the opportunity to experience being the director, the guest, and the host. We are excited to see how they would pull this activity off!
Ichinomiya School Staff.
Ichinomiya School Staff
Grade 5 students flocked the staff room and visited the teachers to have a short interview with them.
The students tried their best to ask questions with the teachers in English such as “What do you teach?”, “What can you do?”.
その際、“What do you teach?”, “What can you do?”といった簡単な質問は英語でできるように、一生懸命がんばりました。
This is their task for the Unit 4 in Funglish class. They will make a short speech about the teachers and present this to the ALTs.
My favorite color, sports and food.
My favorite color, sports and food.
3rd graders learned different colors, sports and foods.
The students were thrilled to play the Rainbow Bingo and rainbow coloring activity in which they shared in pair activity and told their friends about their rainbow.
They also enjoyed the alligator game for the vocabulary practice.
They can already say the color, sports and food they like and don’t like. We are looking forward to their presentation for this unit.
What time is it?
4th graders can tell the time and daily activities in English. They are excited to share their favorite time and activity in the next lesson.
As always, these energetic students are participative and motivated every time we have challenging activities. We're happy to see them enjoying and learning English. #FunGlish
My Favorite Kanji
My Favorite Kanji
Third graders demonstrated their progress in counting during our final lesson for this unit.
They showed their favorite Kanji in front of the class, counting its strokes.
They did a great job responding to questions and engaging with the audience during the presentation.
Funglish Club
The three-day Funglish Club 2024 was attended by the ALTs and many students from different Elementary schools and Junior High Schools in Tomioka City. Some students from Ichinomiya Elementary School took part in the aforementioned activity. The ALTs created various stations that included games that introduced students to English sentences and phrases, which they found enjoyable.
3日間のファングリッシュクラブ2024には、富岡市内の各小学校・中学校からALTや多くの生徒が参加しました。一ノ宮小学校の児童数名も上記の活動に参加しました。 ALT は、生徒たちに英語の文章やフレーズを紹介するゲームを含むさまざまなステーションを作成し、生徒たちはそれが楽しいと感じました。
With assistance from the ALTs, the students also got to try making "turon," or banana spring rolls, a well-known Filipino snack/dessert. The majority of students found both the cooking exercise and the banana spring roll itself enjoyable. Four Funglish Towns—the Dance Studio, Art Gallery, Science Lab, and Theater—increased students' language exposure. The students are free to join the town based on their interests and skills. Following an hour preparation period, students’ works were presented to everyone where English was utilized.
ALTの協力を得て、生徒たちはフィリピンの有名なスナック/デザートである「トゥロン」、つまりバナナの春巻き作りにも挑戦しました。大多数の生徒は、調理実習とバナナ春巻き自体の両方が楽しいと感じました。ダンス スタジオ、アート ギャラリー、サイエンス ラボ、劇場の 4 つのファングリッシュ タウンにより、学生は言語に触れやすくなりました。学生は自分の興味やスキルに応じて自由に町に参加できます。 1時間の準備期間を経て、英語を駆使して生徒たちの作品が全員に発表されました。
In addition to making the most of the students' three-day summer vacation, this activity introduced them to the English language and helped them form friendships with all the other students who took part in the event. At the end of the activity, everybody yelled, "I love Funglish", and " I love Tomioka!"
このアクティビティは、生徒たちに 3 日間の夏休みを最大限に活用するだけでなく、生徒たちに英語を紹介し、イベントに参加した他の生徒たちと友情を育むのにも役立ちました。活動の最後には、みんなで「ファングリッシュ大好き!」「富岡大好き!」と叫びました。
Let's Play in Sakura Elementary School
Let's Play in Sakura Elementary School
Grade 5 students did an amazing job on their videos for students from Nyu and Yoshida. They viewed the videos made by Nyu and Yoshida Elementary School students this week.
The students watched their videos with great attention. They made notes of the students who shared the same names with their classmates, the same birth month, the same preferences and dislikes, or similar abilities or limitations.
Some of the students are willing to give messages to thank the students from Nyu and Yoshida. Ichinomiya students really appreciate the videos and they are looking forward to meet them next year. It's clear that this is a great way for the students to get to know one another before the three schools merge the following year.
What day of the week do you like the best?
What day of the week do you like the best?
Fourth-grade students gave an excellent presentation about their favorite days and activities. 4年生は、自分の好きな曜日や活動について素晴らしい発表ができました。
They made fun gestures, and everyone could pronounce the target sentences correctly and loudly. 楽しいジェスチャーも添えられ、加えて、ポイントとなる文の発音も完ぺきに大きな声でできました。
Both speakers and listeners did their best and helped and cheered for each other during the presentation. 発表する側も聞く側もしっかりでき、発表中はお互いに励まし合うこともできました。
It was good to see how engaged they are in our English classes. 私たちの英語の授業にどれほど一生懸命参加してくれているか伝わってきました。 Great job, everyone. みんな本当によくできました。
Enjoy your summer vacation! よい夏休みを!