

給食・食事 Who makes better curry?

Who makes better curry?


Sixth graders made their original curry recipe to recommend to ALTs. They shared the unique name of their curry and the ingredients they wanted.


The sixth graders came up with curry recipes to recommend to the two ALTs, with unique names and ingredients they wanted to include.


They also shared where the ingredients come from and the taste of their original curry. Students also played a Naruto game, where they gave hints about the taste of their food. Everyone enjoyed and participated in this game.


They also told us where the ingredients were produced and their unique flavors. They also played the "Naruto Game" and gave each other hints about the flavor of each food. Through this game, we were able to learn while having fun.

生徒たちは、子供ながらに自分自身で決定できるということを学び得たと言えるでしょう。まさに自立学習です! みんながんばりました!

ALTs observed the activity, and they were able to pull it off. It was good to know that our students could decide on their recipes for the curry. It means that they are taught at a young age to decide for themselves. Independent learning it is ! Good job everyone!Star

The ALT was convinced by these activities that the students were able to decide on a curry recipe well. The students learned that they could make their own decisions even though they were still children. This is truly independent learning! Everyone did their best!Star