

花丸 Let's Play in Sakura Elementary School

Let's Play in Sakura Elementary School


Grade 5 students did an amazing job on their videos for students from Nyu and Yoshida. They viewed the videos made by Nyu and Yoshida Elementary School students this week.


The students watched their videos with great attention. They made notes of the students who shared the same names with their classmates, the same birth month, the same preferences and dislikes, or similar abilities or limitations.


Some of the students are willing to give messages to thank the students from Nyu and Yoshida. Ichinomiya students really appreciate the videos and they are looking forward to meet them next year.  It's clear that this is a great way for the students to get to know one another before the three schools merge the following year.花丸


了解 What day of the week do you like the best?

What day of the week do you like the best?


Fourth-grade students gave an excellent presentation about their favorite days and activities. 4年生は、自分の好きな曜日や活動について素晴らしい発表ができました。

They made fun gestures, and everyone could pronounce the target sentences correctly and loudly. 楽しいジェスチャーも添えられ、加えて、ポイントとなる文の発音も完ぺきに大きな声でできました。

Both speakers and listeners did their best and helped and cheered for each other during the presentation. 発表する側も聞く側もしっかりでき、発表中はお互いに励まし合うこともできました。

It was good to see how engaged they are in our English classes. 私たちの英語の授業にどれほど一生懸命参加してくれているか伝わってきました。 Great job, everyone. みんな本当によくできました。

Enjoy your summer vacation! よい夏休みを!にっこり

飛行機 Let's see the world!

Let’s see the world!

6th graders did an excellent job as they finished their country's speeches. Most students in both classes could tell the countries they would recommend to ALTs.

The English team enjoyed watching and listening to their wonderful speeches. They were comfortable using English in presentations.

Everyone worked diligently, and we saw how excited they were to deliver their presentations to everyone. 

Thank you for your hard work, students. Well done!花丸







ハート What fruit do you like?

What fruit do you like?

Yume-Sora-Tsuki classes were full of energy and excitement when they entered the Funglish room. We introduced different fruits in English by playing a guessing game and building a tower.






They were very participative in our activities, and they were able to say the fruits that they liked in English. It was fun seeing them enjoy the English language. Great job!花丸



花丸 Let's Make Friends!

Let's Make Friends! 友達になろう!

The Grade 5 students prepared a lot for their videos which will be sent to Nyu and Yoshida. They practiced their speech using nice gestures and very clear voice. They presented very well with smiles on their faces.


They seem very excited to meet new friends from the two school. This is their last presentation for this term and this is also one of the collaboration activity in Funglish to let the students from the three school build friendships even before the official establishment of Sakura Elementary School.


We are looking forward to see all the students from the three school getting along so well next year.花丸
