

花丸 1st Graders ( FUNGLISH TIME )

   The word ‘fun’ cannot describe our feelings with our 1st-grade students! The beaming curvy smiles painted on their faces served as a sign that this would be a good time! Before entering the classroom, we saw how they waited patiently for this moment because they knew it was FUNGLISH time with them.






 For the first part, we danced along to the Hello Song, and all of them moved and laughed to their hearts' content. The next part was the self-introduction of the English team. They enjoyed listening and they participated in our guessing game. We also gave a chance to those students who wanted to introduce themselves in front of the class. Students had fun and could confidently introduce themselves in English.  It was fun to see how active and energetic this class was. Great job 1st graders!花丸


初めに、『Hello Song 』に合わせてダンスをし、みんな思う存分体を動かして笑いました。続いて、私たち担当教員の自己紹介、それを聞いてのクイズ、さらにやってみたい子どもには、みんなの前で英語での自己紹介に挑戦してもらいました。楽しみながら、堂々と英語で自己紹介ができるようになりました。この授業が、いかに活動的で、エネルギッシュなものであったか・・・本当に楽しかったです。 1年生のみなさん、大変よくできました! 花丸


記念日 When is your Birthday?

When is your birthday?anniversaryevent


As part of Unit 2 in Funglish class, students made their birthday cards and birthday calendar. The students participated in pair interviews with their friends asking and answering “When is your birthday” and “What do you want for your birthday?” The fifth graders answered cheerfully. They can already say “I want smartphone”, “I want pets.” And “I want money.”

Funglish 授業のユニット2で、生徒たちは誕生日カードと誕生日カレンダーを作りました。



After the interview, each student stood up to put their cards on the birthday calendars. We put the birthday calendars on the bulletin board for both classes to see the birthdays of each student. This may start a new friendship between students.Flower circleanniversary



花丸 I can introduce myself in English.


Grade 2 students had their first English lessons. They have learned how to introduce themselves using English sentences. 2年生は、今年度最初の英語の授業がありました。今回のテーマは、英語を使った自己紹介の仕方です。

The students enjoyed Amy sensei’s quiz, which they participated very well. They can also name different colors in English and include this on their introduction. エイミー先生クイズもとても楽しみ、積極的に参加できました。The students already know how to say “Hello! My name is _______ and I like _________ and Nice to meet you. また、様々な色の名前を英語で言い、それを自己紹介の中で使うこともできました。「こんにちは! 私の名前は○○です。〇色が好きです。よろしくお願いします。」今はもうこれを英語で言えます。

To familiarize more the target sentences, the played Elbow Touch Race and Train Janken. Students had fun with these activities while learning. We are looking forward to the next English lessons with them.さらに、もっと上手に言えるようになるため、『エルボータッチゲーム』と『トレインジャンケン』をやってみました。こうした活動に楽しく取り組みながら、学びをすすめています。次の英語の授業も楽しみです。花丸

星 Speech Challenge Unlocked!

Speech Challenge Unlocked!


5th grade students has overcome their shyness and nervousness. They impressively delivered their speech with loud and clear voice, beautiful smiles, good eye contact, and nice gestures.


They shared very interesting information about themselves. They were very successful in letting the JTE and Japanese English support to remember them.


This is their very first presentation as grade 5 students and we are very happy that they worked very hard for their speech.




星 Let's learn about the Alphabet

4th graders did an excellent job in identifying the lowercase of the alphabet. We're glad everyone could recognize each letter.


To familiarize all the letters we made sure to make it fun and interesting by playing hebi janken.


Most of the students got involved, and it was fun to see how active they were that day.

Next week, we will continue this topic so they will remember all the letters and sounds. Indeed, another exciting game or activity will be introduced to keep the students focused. Good job everyone.



ハート New School Year, New Funglish Team

  Students are back and fully recharged from their spring vacation. To make sure that students will enjoy and have fun inside the English room, it was transformed into a safari and carnival-themed classroom.


Aside from preparing a conducive environment for the Funglish class, the students also welcomed a new Japanese English teacher and Japanese English support.

The students were thrilled with the Guessing quiz about Moridaira sensei and listened very well as she introduced herself. Nakajo sensei also completed the Funglish team as she shared some things about herself.

              We are looking forward to a fruitful, fun, and meaningful Funglish class with the new Funglish team.


新年度  新 Funglish チーム




星 Vision of the Future

Vision of the Future


Sixth graders showcased their final task by making a short video for Filipino sixth graders in the Philippines for them to watch.


 They presented their chosen clubs, desired careers, interests, and areas of their skills.


During their final presentation, everyone, including the shy ones, did an excellent job.


We hope that they flourish in their chosen field in junior high school, with English being one of their favorite subjects.


We are excited for their new journey. We shall always remember the memories we shared with them. We are so proud of you, sixth graders. Congratulations!



ひらめき What's this? ( 3-Hint Quiz )

3- Hint Quiz


Students from 3rd graders did a very good job on their presentation of  3-Hint Quiz.

They were very excited to let their classmates guess and answer their 3-Hint Quiz.



They use English sentences in the presentation. They used colors, shapes, category, silhouette pictures, and even gestures to help their classmates get the answers.


 They also meet the presentation points like maintaining eye contact with the audience, very confident and had loud and clear voice. These students never fail to surprise us with their presentations.


花丸 Where is your favorite place? ( in Ichinomiya Elementary School )

自分の好きな場所 4年生

4th graders gave us a tour of their favorite place in Ichinomiya Elementary School.


They were paired and helped each other to film alternately.

They were very confident in speaking English while sharing about their favorite place.  



  We look forward to their presentation because they will present their favorite place to us using their Chrome book while checking their fluency in speaking.  Good job everyone!花丸



ひらめき Who is your hero???

Students from Grade 5 had the chance to watch a video from the Philippines. The student listened eagerly to some Filipino students talking about their heroes. Students were amazed of the fact that they are watching a video from the Philippines and amused by the occupations of their heroes.


At the end of the video, students were asked who are their heroes. Having the students watch some videos from different countries can help them learn about different cultures and different people. We are looking forward to their creative presentations about their heroes. 花丸  



ハート My Original Parfait!

Original Parfait

オリジナル パフェ作り

4th graders learned and mastered the names of different fruits and flavors in English and played fun and exciting games.


They also had " shopping time" activities wherein they played the role of customers.


They were able to speak useful English by buying the fruits and flavors for their original parfait.


They were also energetic as they presented their colorful and extra flavorful parfaits.


 It is very fulfilling to see them enjoying the Funglish activities. Well done students. 花丸


ハート Say Thank You in a Creative Way 

Say Thank You in a Creative Way 


Grade 3 students were all smiles as they exerted effort in making their “Thank you” card.


They got to use their chosen shapes and colors and made the most out of these to create an interesting card.

The students have shown off their ideas and creativity in making colorful and wonderful cards.


 It is very exciting to watch as they present their cards to the class.


Parents were happy to see their children present and talk about their “Thank you” cards.

All we can see is the warmth and proud smiles as the parents watch them share with the class.



This activity has taught the students how to appreciate and be thankful to the people around them.花丸


にっこり Season to be Happy

5th graders creatively made a presentation about their favorite season and the events they celebrate during their favorite season.


They happily shared the things they do during different Japanese events and seasons.


During their presentation, it was very evident how confident they were.


They had a loud and clear voice. They maintained their eye contact with their audience. It gave us a warm feeling even in this cold season as we watched their presentation.  Well done students!花丸


花丸 What's your best memory?

What's your best memory?花丸


6th-grade students did an excellent presentation by showing us their best memory in elementary school. 


During the presentation, most students in both classes followed the criteria for presentation: loud and clear voice, eye contact, gestures, correct pronunciation, and confidence.


It's overwhelming to see them speaking English with confidence. 


Level-up challenge was enjoyed by everyone where students presented online.


They showed their English speaking skills and presented with smiles on their faces.


We hope to see these students soar higher and to be more exposed to English-speaking activities in their junior high school.


 Good job everyone!



Trick or Treat?

As we celebrated the Halloween, English team held special classes in different levels during the English classes.



Students were surprised when they saw that all the English teachers were wearing costumes.  



Students loved dancing to the tune of the Halloween song. They also learned about the Halloween traditions in the Philippines. They were amazed when we shared that we ate together with our relatives when we visit the graves/ tombs of our departed loved ones, and when we introduced the Philippine Mythical creatures.






We played different fun games in each grade levels.



For the 3rd graders, we played the Bingo, and freeze game. Students liked the game Freeze game, wherein they had to dance and freeze.




4th graders loved the game, “Where is Scooby-doo?” by telling the Halloween characters such as Frankenstein, wolf, zombies, etc.




5th graders enjoyed the Survive the Haunted House game, where in students had to choose how they can survive the Haunted house as a group. Also, they loved the game, Pumpkin Hot Seat game.

5年生は「ホーンテッド ハウス からの脱出ゲーム」「パンプキン ホット シート ゲーム」に挑戦しました。




Students from yume and sora classes, also wore their costumes such as dragons, and Tanjiro while enjoying the games. We played different games such as Freeze game, hidden picture, and Halloween Pumpkin pyramid.





As we ended our lessons, students got their rewards while saying, “trick or treat.”




ハッピー ハロウィン


2nd Graders' Special Halloween Class



For this week’s 2nd graders Funglish classes, we had a special Halloween lessons.



Teachers were wearing costumes of Disney characters such as Minnie mouse, Anna of Frozen, Peter Pan and a Halloween character, witch.




We had different fun activities incorporating the Halloween. Students actively dancing to the tune of the Halloween Song.





ALTs also introduced the different celebrations of the different countries such as America and Philippines. Students were amazed about the Philippine Creatures, like Tikbalang, Kapre and Dwende. They got a bit scared about the big tree and tobacco of the Kapre.




For America, students knew that they had Halloween parties, wherein everyone had to wear costumes, and roam around their neighborhood to say, “trick or treat.”

アメリカではみんながコスチュームを着て、近所を「トリック オア トリート」と言いながら歩く様子を紹介しました。


They also practiced the Halloween vocabularies through Missing game, wherein they had to choose a color, and guess the hidden picture.




Students also loved the game, Freeze game in which they danced to tune and when it stops, they had to do the different gestures of the Halloween characters differ from the teacher in front.



Also, students became being competitive in the Halloween Pumpkin race. Using the spoon, they had to transfer the pumpkin to their groupmates one by one after walking to the Halloween card posted on the chair. In the end, they had to say the card while doing the gesture.




As we ended our class, students said, trick or treat, and they were given stickers as their rewards!

最後に「トリック オア トリート」でご褒美のシールをもらいました。



本当に とても楽しい、楽しい、楽しいハロウィンパーティでした!

What's your Dream Daily Routine?

  4th-grade students did an excellent presentation on their dream daily schedule. The final output was to tell the time in English. They drew pictures and wrote their favorite time.


        During the presentation, most students in both classes followed the criteria for speaking: loud and clear voice. It’s a good idea to show their skills in front of their classmates as this will improve their exposure and confidence in dealing with larger crowds rather than a one-on-one conversation.

プレゼンテーションの時間には、みんな大きな声で、はっきりと紹介することができました。一対一の会話よりも、みんなの前で発表することで、子どもたちが英語を話すことに対して自信を持つことができます。^ These students are promising, and we will not stop producing quality lessons and activities to hit the competencies apt to their level.  Good job students!花丸



Presentation of 5th Graders` Favorite Person

For the 5th grade, we had finished the Unit 4, he can bake bread well.


As part of their culminating activity. they were tasked to present someone who was close to their heart. Others introduced their parents, sisters, brothers, friends or even their teachers.



Our fifth graders learned about the target phrases: “He/she can___.”


They also worked hard in taking pictures and thinking of the words that best describes their chosen one.


 Indeed, they did their best to present it confidently in front of the class!

Our message to the 5th graders- We are so proud of you! Good job!



Funglish Roomを新しくしました!

This is the Funglish Room of Ichinomiya Elementary School. ALTs creatively decorated the bulletin boards and staircase to encourage students learn English even outside the Funglish room. Moreover, different sets of vocabulary with pictures were posted in different parts of the English Zone to entice the student's curiosity on learning new English words. QR code activities and Funglish challenge were being enjoyed by the students which increase awareness and utilization of technology through fun games and activities

これは一ノ宮小学校のファングリッシュルームです。子どもたちが、英語の時間以外でも、楽しく英語を学べるように、掲示板や、階段をALTにの先生がデコレーションしてくれました。さらに、ファングリッシュルームのさまざまな場所に、写真付きの単語を並べることで、子どもたちが新しい単語を刺激的に学べるようにしてあります。QR コードアクティビティやファングリッシュチャレンジは、楽しいゲームやアクティビティを通じてテクノロジーへの意識と活用を高める子どもたちに楽しんで取り組んでもらっています。






3年生は「head, mouth, teeth」などの英語を学びました。

4年生は「I wake up.」「I brush my teeth.」「I take a bath.」などの




mouth の th。 bath の th。日本語にはない音です。



