Today is Funglish Monday, we motivate students to use English as much as they can from teachers and staff. Students are encouraged to greet their teachers and friends in English while teachers use basic Classroom English in class, especially during their homeroom time.
今日は、『Funglish Monday』です。私たち教職員側から生徒たちになるべく英語を使うよう励ましています。授業中に教員側が基本的な「クラスルームイングリッシュ」を使うと、それに促されるように英語であいさつをしています。特に、英語の授業だけでなく、他の授業でも頑張って取り組んでいます。
We also have Funglish Lunch Broadcasting, in which the English team conducts a short quiz in English that students and teachers love.
This program makes the school an even more language-rich environment and motivates the students to use the English language both inside and outside the classroom. Let's enjoy Funglish Monday together.
この取り組みは、学校全体をもっと言語豊かな環境にし、教室の中でも外でも生徒たちが「英語」という言語をどんどん使えるように促す取り組みです。 『Funglish Monday』を一緒に
1st Graders ( FUNGLISH TIME )
The word ‘fun’ cannot describe our feelings with our 1st-grade students! The beaming curvy smiles painted on their faces served as a sign that this would be a good time! Before entering the classroom, we saw how they waited patiently for this moment because they knew it was FUNGLISH time with them.
For the first part, we danced along to the Hello Song, and all of them moved and laughed to their hearts' content. The next part was the self-introduction of the English team. They enjoyed listening and they participated in our guessing game. We also gave a chance to those students who wanted to introduce themselves in front of the class. Students had fun and could confidently introduce themselves in English. It was fun to see how active and energetic this class was. Great job 1st graders!
初めに、『Hello Song 』に合わせてダンスをし、みんな思う存分体を動かして笑いました。続いて、私たち担当教員の自己紹介、それを聞いてのクイズ、さらにやってみたい子どもには、みんなの前で英語での自己紹介に挑戦してもらいました。楽しみながら、堂々と英語で自己紹介ができるようになりました。この授業が、いかに活動的で、エネルギッシュなものであったか・・・本当に楽しかったです。 1年生のみなさん、大変よくできました!
When is your Birthday?
When is your birthday?
As part of Unit 2 in Funglish class, students made their birthday cards and birthday calendar. The students participated in pair interviews with their friends asking and answering “When is your birthday” and “What do you want for your birthday?” The fifth graders answered cheerfully. They can already say “I want smartphone”, “I want pets.” And “I want money.”
Funglish 授業のユニット2で、生徒たちは誕生日カードと誕生日カレンダーを作りました。
After the interview, each student stood up to put their cards on the birthday calendars. We put the birthday calendars on the bulletin board for both classes to see the birthdays of each student. This may start a new friendship between students.
I can introduce myself in English.
Grade 2 students had their first English lessons. They have learned how to introduce themselves using English sentences. 2年生は、今年度最初の英語の授業がありました。今回のテーマは、英語を使った自己紹介の仕方です。
The students enjoyed Amy sensei’s quiz, which they participated very well. They can also name different colors in English and include this on their introduction. エイミー先生クイズもとても楽しみ、積極的に参加できました。The students already know how to say “Hello! My name is _______ and I like _________ and Nice to meet you. また、様々な色の名前を英語で言い、それを自己紹介の中で使うこともできました。「こんにちは! 私の名前は○○です。〇色が好きです。よろしくお願いします。」今はもうこれを英語で言えます。
To familiarize more the target sentences, the played Elbow Touch Race and Train Janken. Students had fun with these activities while learning. We are looking forward to the next English lessons with them.さらに、もっと上手に言えるようになるため、『エルボータッチゲーム』と『トレインジャンケン』をやってみました。こうした活動に楽しく取り組みながら、学びをすすめています。次の英語の授業も楽しみです。
Speech Challenge Unlocked!
Speech Challenge Unlocked!
5th grade students has overcome their shyness and nervousness. They impressively delivered their speech with loud and clear voice, beautiful smiles, good eye contact, and nice gestures.
They shared very interesting information about themselves. They were very successful in letting the JTE and Japanese English support to remember them.
This is their very first presentation as grade 5 students and we are very happy that they worked very hard for their speech.